The Third Annual Healthcare Unbound Conference and Exhibition, hosted by The Center for Business Innovation (TCBI), will feature the coming together of consumer and healthcare technologies to promote wellness and to help manage diseases.
The Conference will take place at the Hyatt Regency Cambridge in Cambridge, MA, on July 17th and 18th, 2006.
Attendees will include a diverse representation of the many business segments that will be impacted by these innovative technologies, including health plans and health insurance companies; healthcare providers, including hospitals, home care agencies and other postacute care facilities, long-term care facilities and retirement communities; pharmaceutical and medical device companies; healthcare IT companies; consumer technology companies; wireless companies; security analysts, investment bankers and venture capitalists; and government officials.
“Think about the type of information that the digital age has made available to us over the past 10 years — for example, 19 real-time parameters of how the systems in your car are working. What if we developed a dashboard for the human body? The Healthcare Unbound Conference explores how innovative remote monitoring, pervasive computing and home telehealth technologies are empowering consumers and providing healthcare anytime, anywhere,” said Vince Kuraitis, JD, MBA, Principal, Better Health Technologies, LLC, a Chairperson and Conference Advisory Board member.
The Conference will include approximately 70 speakers participating in panel discussions, case studies and keynote addresses. Sessions will include in-depth coverage of disease management and wellness promotion applications, legal/regulatory and reimbursement issues, payer perspectives on Healthcare Unbound and the emerging role of wireless technologies.
Industry Leaders Drive Discussion
Consumer healthcare technologies are driving opportunities to serve patients in new ways and in new settings. “Forrester coined the term `Healthcare Unbound’ to encompass the trends toward technology-aided self-care, mobile care and home care,” said Elizabeth Boehm, Principal Analyst, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Forrester Research, one of the Conference Keynote speakers and a member of the Conference Advisory Board. “We have defined `Healthcare Unbound’ as `technology in, on and around the body that frees care from formal institutions.’ This burgeoning technology field includes sensor technology, wearable computing, and home-based health monitoring solutions.”
Additional Keynote speakers include representatives from AARP, Better Health Technologies, Bodymedia, Critical Mass Consulting, Honeywell HomMed, Intel Corporation, QUALCOMM, Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, McKesson Corporation, Partners Telemedicine and Philips Medical Systems.