By Mickey Alam Khan, DM News

Transcom Worldwide S.A., one of Europe’s leading CRM solutions and call center firms, said net sales for the first quarter of 2005 jumped 20.3 percent to $139.09 million, up from $115.62 million in the year-ago period.

Net income for the same period rose 24 percent to $7.43 million from $6 million in first-quarter 2004. Transcom’s success with its near-shore proposition offering low-cost, equal standard solutions across borders is said to have helped.

“I’m particularly pleased with the recent growth in interest of our debt collection business,” Keith Russell, Transcom president/CEO, said in a statement. “We are currently participating in a number of performance trials that we believe will result in significant contracts.”

Transcom’s call center in Lithuania won several contracts this year. The contracts include businesses involved in airline baggage handling, hotel reservations, telecoms and ferry booking reservations.

Another win was a new debt collection contract in the Italian electricity sector. Transcom is in similar trials with potential clients in banking, agricultural, communications and automotive.

For this complete story, please visit European Call Center Firm Sees Gains; Collections Business Growing.

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