For the past nine years, ACA International members throughout the country have been participating in Collectors Challenge, an annual event that encourages credit and collection professionals to join together and help raise money for various national and local charities. This year, member agencies donated over $144,600 to the American Red Cross Relief Fund, the American Diabetes Association, the United Way, March of Dimes, the Leukemia Foundation and the Alzheimer?s Association.

Collectors Challenge is designed to reflect the concerns and values of our membership. The month-long campaign allows members to create fund-raising events and programs to benefit a charity of their choice or participate in a charity event that is already established, such as the American Diabetes Association Charity Walk. Events this year included a baseball-theme campaign to raise money for the United Way, a bowling tournament to raise money for the Bob Allison Ataxia Research Center and a charity walk to raise money for Caring Communities for AIDS.

ACA International, formerly known as the American Collectors Association, is the association of credit and collection professionals. Founded in 1939, ACA International has approximately 5,300 members, including third-party collection agencies, attorneys, credit grantors and vendor affiliates. Headquartered in Minneapolis, ACA International serves members in the United States, Canada and 58 other countries worldwide. For more information visit our Web site at

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