The debt collection industry is an interesting universe. Although the general public has a singular perception of what collectors are like at work, those in the industry know that collection agency workplaces are as diverse as any other industry. Some companies are great places to be employed, some aren’t.

insideARM is on a quest to find the best places to work in the credit and collection industry. As such, we’ve teamed up with The Best Companies Group to launch The Best Places to Work In Collections program.

It will be up to the industry to decide which companies are the best to work for, but we felt that we were the perfect group to facilitate such an endeavor. Over the next few months, we’ll be actively surveying companies in the industry – and their employees – to determine the best places to work. The results will be published early next year.

It all starts with registering your company at Company registrations must be completed by August 15, 2008. After that, The Best Companies Group will send out questionnaires to employers and their employees and tabulate the results.

This is not an informal poll or a “mood” survey. Each company that is registered will be evaluated thoroughly by The Best Companies Group. The group is responsible for creating many of the “Best Places to Work” lists you see in the media. And if a company chooses the online-only survey method, there is absolutely no cost to the company to participate.

Each company that participates will receive a free results overview report.

And don’t worry – there won’t be any “Worst Places to Work” lists published, so there’s really nothing keeping you from registering your company. Here’s that link again:


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