Mark Miller, a debt purchasing industry veteran since 1994, with over twenty years of Credit and Collections experience, recently joined Capital Assistance Group (“CAG”), an affiliate of The CCS Companies, a leading Accounts Receivable Management firm located in Newton, MA. His initial focus is twofold: to direct and develop the debt purchasing opportunities and capabilities of CAG, as well as build the financial services contingency and fee management business of CCS. Capital Assistance Group is interested in purchasing national and regional non-performing and charged-off portfolios of all types of consumer debt-credit card, consumer loans, telco, retail, medical, utility, and mortgages. If you are interested in selling consumer debt or want portfolio servicing, please contact Mark Miller at the following:

Mark J. Miller
SVP Business Development
Capital Assistance Group, LLC
100 Chancellorsville Drive
Stephens City, VA 22655-4513

Next Article: Debt Collector Agrees to Settlement
