A lawsuit filed by a Michigan man claims that the state?s paternity laws are unconstitutional because the father is compelled to pay child support even if he did not want the child to be born. Attorney General Michael Cox, according to a story covered by WZZM13 News, is stepping into the Michigan court case dubbed — a little hyperbolically, some might think — “Roe v Wade for Men.?

“No woman in the state of Michigan or anyplace else is ever forced to pay child support for a child she didn’t want. After sex she has the right to make family planning decisions. Matt?” Matthew Dubay, who filed the claim “?was denied that choice because he’s a man,” Attorney Mel Feit said, notching the rhetoric up around 11 while pulling out the gender card, when filing the suit.

You can read the story at “Roe v Wade for Men” case heard today.

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