The National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys (NARCA) will hold its third annual Attorney Workshop on Tuesday, July 18 at the Westin Hotel, Detroit Metro Airport. This attorneys-only program features practical instruction and roundtable discussions where attendees can share their knowledge on important issues for the consumer debt collection law office. Topics covered during the Workshop will include:


    Handling Terminations and Resignations

    Document and Office Security

    Scoring and File Evaluation

    Increasing Efficiency and Profitability with File Management

This all-day program is preceded by a ?working dinner? on Monday evening, July 17, sponsored by American Lawyers Quarterly, The General Bar and the National Law List. A dessert reception will follow, sponsored by the law firm of Blatt, Hasenmiller, Leibsker & Moore, LLC.

Registration is only $175 before July 1 or $200 after July 1 and includes the dinner buffet on Monday and breakfast, break and lunch on Tuesday. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Westin at the special rate of $159. For additional information and to register, visit the NARCA website at and click on the Attorney Workshop.

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