How do the new bankruptcy laws effect lenders, debt buyers, and educational institutions? What internal processes have to change and how? If you are a client of Creditors Interchange (CI), the answer is just a mouse click away. CI has taken the web blog, which is an on-line open chat website; and opened a Bankruptcy Forum to their client base.

By simply logging on to, clicking on the “Bankruptcy Forum” and entering their password, CI clients have the ability to ask questions regarding the new statutes and review prior submissions.

“The forum has been a success and we have been getting a variety of clients utilizing it, not just the bankcard clients that we assumed,” states Raymond Bell, Vice President of CI’s Bankruptcy/Probate Division and the host of the forum.

Ray is best known as an industry speaker and the author of numerous articles on the subject of the Bankruptcy Code. Bell holds memberships in various professional associations including the National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees, the National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees, the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges and the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning. Bell who also testified before the Bankruptcy Review Commission and Sub Committee on Federal Bankruptcy Rules most recently was appointed to Pennsylvania Governor Rendell’s Task Force on Financial Literacy.

Bruce Gray, President and CEO of Creditors Interchange, added “This is just another example of CI’s total service package offering to our clients. I give credit to Ray for making it a success”.

Next Article: Payrolls Rise 215,000 in November
