It can be a frustrating and thankless job to maintain contact with clients who have outstanding bills. In his new book, The A/R Advantage: A Comprehensive Guide to Accounts Receivable Management for the Healthcare Professional (now available through AuthorHouse), Gregory B. Tomcho combines experience and integrity to provide a wealth of practical information and detailed management advice.

“The A/R Advantage addresses many issues that will more than likely be confronted when working your accounts receivable,” Tomcho writes. “Many examples are provided that define exactly what steps should be taken to resolve the issue at hand.”

Focusing on unique challenges inherent to the healthcare industry, the book is written for managers, supervisors, salespeople and collection specialists who want a firm and thorough understanding of the process. Tomcho offers clear, fundamental guidelines that can be implemented to create a more effective, efficient team for a variety of healthcare fields. While tailored to meet the specific needs of this particular industry, The A/R Advantage explains many aspects of the collection process.

Readers learn successful techniques, bankruptcy and probate policies, how telephone collections can be particularly effective and how to handle excuses, stalls and upset consumers with confidence and finesse. They also discover answers to numerous questions that arise in this line of work, such as “How do you stay organized and focused when processing a massive workload?” and “How does one make collection letters more productive?”

A comprehensive guide that is easy to understand, The A/R Advantage helps healthcare professionals who want to implement a training system, refine their current accounts receivable management or collection processes or just want a good reference tool for issues that may arise in a day’s work.

Tomcho is a specialized consultant, author and experienced credit and collection manager. With a degree in collection business management, he has been a member of the American Collectors Association, Idaho Collectors Association and the Consumer Credit Counseling Advisory Board. He has successfully trained numerous collection specialists and the policies he implemented for several organizations increased their overall recovery rates. The A/R Advantage is his first book. More information is available at


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