Premiere Global Services, Inc. (NYSE: PGI), a global outsource provider of business process solutions, today announced new solutions to help financial and investor relations professionals improve business processes, increase productivity and lower costs with tailored packages of professional audio and web conferencing services and other communications technologies including alerts and notifications systems, e-mail marketing solutions and document management tools.

In a regulatory environment that demands rigorous adherence to timing, protocol and disclosure requirements, IR professionals must ensure external communications are flawless. Premiere Global?s Investor Relations Solution offers new optional feature sets, attendance accelerator and executive select, that ensure calls and events deliver the right message and capture attendance by the right stakeholders. Premiere Global has two decades of experience serving more than 2,000 customers in the IR community.

And, with 53 million Americans banking online and the financial service industry managing $8.9 trillion in assets and $800 billion in capital, the reliability and security of online financial transactions is critical. Premiere Global Services? solutions for financial services professionals give customers in commercial banking and savings, credit unions, and securities and insurance companies a tailored package of audio and web conferencing services and other tools including alerts and notifications systems, e-mail marketing solutions and document management tools. These offerings can enhance customer retention, sales and acquisition, automate and simplify business processes, and improve productivity, profitability and compliance.

?The Financial Services and IR communities are very important to our business, and we are committed to continually introducing new or enhanced offerings to give these professionals a level of simplicity and value that doesn?t come with generic or a-la-carte offerings,? said Ted Schrafft, President, Premiere Global Services, Inc. ?Our experience in this market allows us to identify opportunities where we can combine our comprehensive portfolio and our knowledge of the unique needs of professionals from industry to industry to offer innovative new benefits in the right combinations.?

Financial Services Solutions

The Financial Services Solution from Premiere Global helps financial services professionals participate in daily, small group meetings, large, town hall style meetings, trainings, lead generation and collections activities and document management. Products include:

  • ReadyConference Plus or GlobalMeet ? For domestic or international audio conferencing calls and a

    choice of integrated collaborative Web tools to add supporting visuals.

  • PremiereCall Auditorium or Event ? For large, formal gatherings requiring operator assistance, an invitation and reminder service supporting voice, fax, e-mail, SMS and a choice of integrated collaborative web tools.

  • Industry-leading Integrated Web Products including ReadyCast, Netspoke, VisionCast, and Adobe Breeze – Hosted training solutions with or without operator assistance and live Q&A depending on the number of participants and optional recording for building an internal training library or with integrated audio conferencing for multi-media content.

  • Campaign Accelerator or Enterprise and Campaign Generator ? Create and manage multi-channel, permission-based and personalized e-mail marketing campaigns.

  • Alerts & Notifications ? Send a variety of invitations, reminders and time-sensitive alerts to customers by voice, fax, e-mail and SMS such as invitations and reminders, preemptive, account-based, and product purchase alerts.

  • Collections Accelerator ? Contact past-due clients and collect payments efficiently and cost-effectively.

  • Statement Manager, DocuManager and Mortgage Processor ? Automate document delivery, process and capture to reduce the costs of generating and maintaining paper documents, convert paper documents to electronic fax, securely and reliably process more loans and comply with record keeping and retention requirements.

Investor Relations Solutions

The Investor Relations Solution from Premiere Global helps investor relations professionals reach the investing public and financial community quickly and professionally with expertly-managed and completely reliable calls and events. Features include:

  • Skilled Event Manager ? Dedicated event managers serve as a single point of contact to help determine your event requirements and set up customized features to meet your unique needs.

  • Investor Relations Team ? Professionally trained operators guide participants into the call, and a professional announcer introduces speakers and manages interactive Q&A.

  • Speaker Briefing ? Set up virtual conference rooms to perfect announcement delivery and prepare and brief speakers in private.

  • Audio Quality Checks ? Ensure sound quality is perfect before the start of a conference.

Next Article: Tepid Increase for Consumer Credit in August
