By Steve Rosen, Times-Dispatch
You’re 19, you’re away at college and you’ve already racked up more than $10,000 in credit-card debt. You’re a sucker for the latest computer and electronics gear, and your dorm room looks like a multimedia center. You go out for dinner five times a week, and you drive your buddies around in a gas-guzzling SUV that costs $50 a pop to refuel.
In short, your life is a financial mess, and you’re still in your teens.
Where can you turn for help?
How about becoming a guest on the latest reality TV spinoff show being pitched to networks? It’s called “Broke Folk.”
No joke. Creators of the personal-finance program are recruiting high school and college students, recent graduates, newlyweds and other young people who are having money problems.
For this complete story, please visit Deep in Debt? Then Reality TV Show Wants You.