Imagine using your WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) enabled cell phone or PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) to access your collection database from anywhere in the world.

Collection agencies are always trying to find that edge over their competitors that will give them the advantage. You may ask, what are the applications? We have found a few of the benefits of wireless software access that are being used or may be used in the industry. Agency owners, managers, sales representatives, clients, and specialists can access their accounts in real time from anywhere. Clients may be very impressed when logging in on their PDA with this added value service. When thinking globally, other applications apply, such as collectors that are are allowed to call on a debtor at their homes to collect a debt. All of these applications are bringing this rare collection software feature into the industry.

In the years ahead we’ll see a proliferation of digital devices that will take on different forms and communicate at different speeds, enabling each of us to stay in touch over the net with other people as well as with information of all kinds.
-Bill Gates (

This simple statement by Bill Gates implies that these changes are happening globally and in every industry. It will be a common expectation to be able to contact information or a person at any location and at any moment. PDAs make work portable and give people in every industry the ability to work anywhere, anytime.

Managers and Owners
Collection managers can load Work In Progress (WIP) collector queues or review events taken on accounts from any location. For business owners, it can be frustrating to know that motivated debtors are getting voice mail at night and early morning. These missed calls may be one of only a few chances to collect that debt. Now owners or employees can have a call forwarded to their PDA and they can answer a call anywhere ant any time with all of the debtors information at their fingertips. This is great for both small and large companies that do not want to miss an opportunity to Collect!

Sales Representatives
Collection software that allows for sales representatives to wirelessly access information on prospective clients gives business owners the ability to consolidate all of the company information on one flexible system. This eliminates a need to go out and spend money on sales software that is WAP enabled. Saving money and only having to deal with one vendor is a benefit that most owners can appreciate.

Sales representatives who will want to access prospective client information while away from the office will benefit from a PDA accessible software. Sales staff can have WIP queues loaded with prospective client meetings and calls scheduled for the day on their PDAs. This WIP queue can be accessed wirelessly at any time so that they can always work from remote locations. If a phone call comes in, sales staff can access that client’s information quickly and easily. What’s more, once a sale is made there is no need for repetitive data entry. Debtors can be listed under that client’s name instantly.

Many potential clients who are always on the move would be happy to see the value added service of PDA access to their listed accounts. Every competitive collection agency has a continuous effort to enhance services for their clients. The ability to access the web hosted account information via a PC or a PDA, will give clients the freedom that customers in every industry are beginning to demand. Clients can now enjoy both service channels with a user ID and password. Checking on accounts from airports or while on the road may be something that is very useful to some clients. This may not only benefit the client, but also the agency. Reducing the amount of calls from clients inquiring about debtor reports, can give agencies more time to handle the task at hand.

Many other applications are possible. Attorneys involved in judgment recovery may benefit from this WAP ability in the court room and other remote locations. Companies that work on site with their clients for a small time frame can use this for a mobile first party collections service and training, although a laptop may be more suitable for this application. People involved in repossessions have many benefits. Taking photos to upload on site to record assets of the debtor, uploading promise payments, or locating a debtor are just a few possible future applications. If there are any arguments in a door to door confrontation or during a repossession, the records can be brought up on the PDA and discussed. In other industries such as courier services, libraries, and city meter readings this technology has already been applied. As more applications are realized, we will begin to see PDAs appear more and more in the Credit and Collections industry.

Comtech Systems Inc. creators of Collect! software for credit and collection have been offering WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) support for over a year. Setup is easy using Collect!’s Web Host. Use your cell phone or PDA now to access and try the Collect! Demo Web Host at

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