Agencies are under a lot of pressure in their post charge-off placements and purchased paper. It is a tougher market place. CBS has developed a management operating system especially for third party collections.
The system includes a third party call model, a set of measurements that let management see their revenue and profitability at multiple levels from agent to client, and skill training for first and second line management to drive improved performance. Results from clients that have installed the system have been both quick and impressive.
Customer Service Takes on a Whole New Meaning
With the establishment of the National Do Not Call List, it is much more difficult to get new products in front of customers. Most companies are turning to their own customer service operation to offer new products, up-sell or sell products as part of cooperative agreements.
Unfortunately, traditional operating systems for customer service rely on ?cost basis? measurements, quality scores and speed of answer as a means to manage the business. These measures are hardly adequate to manage a customer service operation that is selling as a profit center.
To address this deficiency CBS has developed a management operating system for customer service operations for which sales is an integral part of the business. The system which leverages their success in the collections call center environment includes a call model that combines problem resolution and sales skills, a set of measurements that show the return at each level from agent to center and a structured development process to drive better results.
This operating system has been installed in one of the largest customer care networks in the US with superb results. The client reports that in 2003, the year that CBS started and completed work, sales were up 40%, productivity increased from 75% to 96% and they ended the year at 230% of their financial goal.
CBS provides operational assessments, client-specific management & associate certification, diagnostic measurements, and management processes which build high-performing sustainable collection and customer service operations.
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