New London, NH ? Intelligent Banking Solutions announced a jointly released family of fully integrated, yet diverse, collection and recovery products that the company believes sets a new standard for delinquent account collection and recovery automation.

IBS released version 3.87.13 of its CARM-Pro (Collection and Asset Recovery Manager ? Professional). CARM-Pro is IBS’ powerful and incredibly flexible integrated collection and special asset recovery system rooted in IBS’ 17 years of collection and recovery automation experience.

“Of the over 160 system changes in this release, one major new feature supports multiple databases allowing easier implementations within holding companies or for use in datacenter environments,” said Rob Daley, IBS president and co-founder.

IBS also officially released a companion product, CARM-Web, and distributed it to key IBS clients. “While browser based, CARM -Web provides the exact same feature set as our flagship CARM -Pro product”, Daley said. “It was designed and built not as a replacement to our core system,” he said. “Rather, we wanted it to work with CARM -Pro to allow greater flexibility of use of the system by our family of clients and prospects.”

CARM-Web works on the same flexible SQL Server database as CARM-Pro and the two can be used together or separately depending on specific customer needs for use of the collection system. CARM-Web was delivered to a lead IBS business partner for acceptance testing last fall. IBS is now distributing CARM-Web to several key direct IBS clients for additional acceptance testing, Daley said.

“We believe IBS is the only company in this niche market who now offers both Windows and Web user interfaces to the same delinquent account collection system,” said Charlie Bowden, IBS senior vice president for sales and marketing.

Both the Windows and Web products also both offer collection and recovery features. Therefore, clients can have Windows or browser users for collections and/or recoveries all concurrently working in the same database. ?”his provides the client institution the flexibility of access to the CARM-Pro database whether in the main collection center, or at a branch or remote location,” Bowden said.

IBS also officially released its RefreshNow module for genuine live, real-time access to key financial information that is stored on the institution’s host system. “RefreshNow is a .NET interface layer that sits between CARM-Pro and/or CARM-Web and the clients’ core account processing systems Web Service,” said Joe Sherwood, IBS director of development.

RefreshNow interactively processes transactions between the core systems web service keeping the collection and recovery data as current as the core system data. The key user benefit is access to debtor information that the collection staff can see displayed on their collection and or recovery screen that is as current as their particular host. And, users can perform host oriented ‘research’ directly within their collection and/or recovery system, Sherwood said.

“For example, the collector can retrieve and review a debtor’s complete account profile, and not just see the debtor’s delinquent accounts, or can call up a full payment history, and related information.”

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