Barack Obama is the top choice for president among insideARM readers, followed by Hillary Clinton, according to a poll conducted this month on the Web site. The top Republican choice was Mitt Romney, though he lagged Obama by more than 10 percentage points.

The results come as somewhat of a surprise considering the reputation of the debt and collection industry as leaning Republican, with a low-taxes, reduced government-regulations point of view. However, the returns may reflect the greater American society as Obama took the lead on the Democrat side following his victory in the South Carolina primary.

The poll asked readers to choose among the top candidates of both parties. The reader was allowed only one vote. Readers attempting to vote a second time were sent to a page with the latest poll results. The results are unscientific.

Obama garnered 27.1 percent of the vote, followed by Clinton with 16.9 percent and Romney with 15.3 percent.

The poll, conducted before the South Carolina and Florida primaries, indicated the weak support for former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Sen. John Edwards, who each received a paltry 5.1 percent response from insideARM readers. Both of these candidates did poorly in their party primaries and both dropped out of the race this week.

Sen. John McCain and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee tied with a respectable 13.6 percent of the vote, followed by Rep. Ron Paul with 3.4 percent of the total.

InsideARM is continuing to run the poll, making it available in its member Discussion Forum.

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