05-2015 CBE 10 Commandments Cover“When your outsourcing partner can shorten the ramp to performance — the time it takes to fully execute on the mission — that positive first impression generates staying power.” This is what CBE’s new whitepaper teaches us right off the bat: any successful partnership with an outside entity requires planning and forethought to achieve any kind of success.

Does your outsourcing partner follow the 10 Commandments of Epic Onboarding?

The paper is available now for download from insideARM.com’s “Free Reports & Webinars” section of our site — provided your a registered member.

The First Five Commandments to whet your appetite:

  1. Know Thy Partner — which can sometimes mean physically sending a team to a client’s location.
  2. Know Thy Goals — and pay careful attention to places where others have stumbled.
  3. Know Thyself — you’ll want key team members involved, which means you need to know ahead of time who those key members are.
  4. Thou Shalt Remember Thy Culture — don’t lose yourself in the transition.
  5. Thou Shalt Not Covet — another way to look at this is to take a page from the late, great David Rakoff: don’t trade up, don’t grade relationships, whether personal or professionals, on some kind of hierarchical scale.

Download The 10 Commandments of Epic Onboarding here.

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